None, M., None, E., None, R., None, M., Rayess, E., None, J., None, S., None, S., None, G. & None, I. (2021). Pronating Osteotomy of the Forearm for Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy with Supination Deformity : The First Cohort to Show Functional Improvement. Journal Medical Libanais, 68(1), None-None.
None, Melhem, et al. "Pronating Osteotomy of the Forearm for Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy with Supination Deformity : The First Cohort to Show Functional Improvement." Journal Medical Libanais 68.1 (2021): None-None.
None, Melhem, Elias , Rizkallah , Maroun , El Rayess, Johnny , Sassine , Serge , Ghanem and Ismat . "Pronating Osteotomy of the Forearm for Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy with Supination Deformity : The First Cohort to Show Functional Improvement." Journal Medical Libanais 68, no. 1 (2021): None-None.
None, M., None, E., None, R., None, M., Rayess, E., None, J., None, S., None, S., None, G. and None, I. (2021) 'Pronating Osteotomy of the Forearm for Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy with Supination Deformity : The First Cohort to Show Functional Improvement' Journal Medical Libanais 68(1), pp. None-None.
Melhem M, Elias E, Rizkallah R, Maroun M, Rayess E, Johnny J, Sassine S, Serge S, Ghanem G, Ismat I. Pronating Osteotomy of the Forearm for Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy with Supination Deformity : The First Cohort to Show Functional Improvement. Journal Medical Libanais. 2021 ;68(1):None-None.