None, A., None, E., None, B., None, S., None, C., None, D., None, C., None, M., None, Y., None, N., None, G., None, Z., None, H., None, M., None, N. & None, E. (2023). The Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Medical Education. Journal Medical Libanais, 70(1), None-None.
None, Ayoub, et al. "The Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Medical Education." Journal Medical Libanais 70.1 (2023): None-None.
None, Ayoub, Eliane , Bahous , Sola , Chamsy , Dina , Choukair , Mary , Yared , Nadine , Ghorayeb , Zaki , Houry , Mohamad , Nemr and Elie . "The Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Medical Education." Journal Medical Libanais 70, no. 1 (2023): None-None.
None, A., None, E., None, B., None, S., None, C., None, D., None, C., None, M., None, Y., None, N., None, G., None, Z., None, H., None, M., None, N. and None, E. (2023) 'The Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Medical Education' Journal Medical Libanais 70(1), pp. None-None.
Ayoub A, Eliane E, Bahous B, Sola S, Chamsy C, Dina D, Choukair C, Mary M, Yared Y, Nadine N, Ghorayeb G, Zaki Z, Houry H, Mohamad M, Nemr N, Elie E. The Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Medical Education. Journal Medical Libanais. 2023 ;70(1):None-None.